How barley grass supplements can help you keep in shape

5 benefits of Barley Grass

Have you heard about it's natural benefits? It's not just Aloe Vera that's magical!

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1) Digestive Health

A healthy digestive system is one of the cornerstones of good health; Barley Grass is a natural source of organic sodium which is needed by the lining of the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid (without which our food cannot be digested). Also rich in digestive enzymes, these substances can help to reduce toxic and indigestible materials in food.

2) Detoxification

Extremely alkalising and rich in essential vitamins and minerals, Barley Grass is an abundant source of chlorophyll - a compound that converts sunlight into energy within the plant. When chlorophyll is consumed it releases a flow of oxygen into the bloodstream, detoxing the body of harmful toxins and impurities, it has the ability to bind to and flush out toxic chemicals and heavy metals.

3) Immune Boosting

Barley Grass is naturally high in many key nutrients that help to support the immune system, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes.
It is extremely high in vitamin C which is crucial to the overall health of the body in its efforts to fight off infections – both bacterial and viral. White blood cells contain 20 times the amount of vitamin C than other cells and require constant replenishment to keep the immune system working to its optimum capacity.

4) Alkalises the Body

If you eat too many acid-forming foods without counterbalancing with alkaline foods, the body struggles to maintain the blood’s Ph – Barley Grass is highly alkalising due to the number of alkaline minerals it contains (calcium, magnesium, manganese, and potassium to name but a few). It has the powerful ability to restore a healthy acid-alkaline balance in the body whilst offering protection against the many health problems that can be caused by disharmony in the blood PH.

5) For flawless skin

The glycosylisovitexine contained in young barley grass fights free radicals approximately five hundred times more effectively than vitamin E, which is referred to as the "youth vitamin”. That strong antioxidant noticeably contributes to the slowing down of skin ageing processes. For a fit and healthy body: Young barley grass is an excellent source of B vitamins and has much more vitamin C than lemon and much more beta carotene than carrot. In addition, it contains: biotin, folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, antioxidants and over 20 enzymes that are often missing in our everyday diet.

FM World have launched another fantastic supplement to their Nutricode range called ideal shape. Ideal Shape is a 30 day supply, taking two capsules daily.

Ideal Shape, a natural elixir for youth and a rich source of health. With zinc that supports normal metabolism of carbohydrates It contains high in fibre young barley

Ideal Shape, a natural elixir for youth and a rich source of health. With zinc that supports normal metabolism of carbohydrates It contains high in fibre young barley

This is an ideal dietary supplement for people who want to keep a slender figure and take good care of their health. Thanks to the perfect combination of carefully selected ingredients, it has a positive impact on the body’s condition and, in conjunction with a low-calorie diet, helps you lose excess kilograms or maintain the correct body weight.

A natural elixir for youth and a rich source of health
Each capsule is a really healthy vitamin, amino acid and mineral bomb

  • young barley grass, thanks to the high content of fibre reducing the absorption of fat and facilitating the digestive processes, is an irreplaceable aid to the body in the process of slimming and maintaining proper body weight

  • green tea contributes to the improvement of health in general but also helps you lose weight. The high concentrations of theine and polyphenolic catechins accelerate the resting metabolism, which, in turn, allows you to burn more calories

  • marine collagen – highly refined and obtained in pharmaceutical standards – optically reduces the visibility of wrinkles, slows down the skin ageing processes and improves hydration, making your skin soft and elastic

  • zinc helps maintain the proper metabolism of carbohydrates along with the acid-alkaline balance and keeps your hair, skin and nails in good condition

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Use 1 capsule orally with a meal in the morning and in the afternoon. Wash it down with a glass of water each single time. Do not exceed the recommended daily portion. The product is intended for adults.

You can order ‘Ideal Shape’ in two ways

1) UK/ROI - Direct through my store HERE and they will be shipped straight out and arrive within 2 working days

2) Opening a wholesale shopping account, which is instant and FREE and you can then purchase at my own cost as/when you like, you can do that HERE

*please do not venture off signup site or you will go into a black hole with no support
Make sure my ID number is your referrer 801002502

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5 benefits of Barley Grass - have you tried this taking a young barley supplement to keep in shape and for gut health?Have you heard about it's natural benefits? #nutricode #fmworld #idealshape #barleysupplements #barleygrass

5 benefits of Barley Grass - have you tried this taking a young barley supplement to keep in shape and for gut health?

Have you heard about it's natural benefits?
#nutricode #fmworld #idealshape #barleysupplements #barleygrass


Do you have questions? Drop me a message and I will do all I can to help you

Did you enjoy this article, have you got a good supplement you use daily? I’d love to hear from you, drop me a comment below


Sharon Howat

I help women re-ignite their purpose in life by building their own business online through social marketing.

My mission is to help as many women as possible re-discover their goals & dreams by taking back control of their lives, just like I did.

Can you reduce the signs of cellulite?

Cellulite is the dimpled-looking skin that commonly occurs in the thigh region. It forms when fatty tissue deep in the skin pushes up against connective tissue. This creates the dimpled appearance that cellulite is infamous for.

It’s estimated that more than 90 percent of all women have cellulite. It’s not as common in men, so how do we actually reduce the signs of cellulite?

Can we ever really get rid of cellulite?

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Cellulite can develop on the thighs because the area naturally has more fatty tissue. Other risk factors for the development of cellulite include:

  • age

  • estrogen

  • family history

  • tissue inflammation

  • increased fatty tissue caused by weight gain

  • loss of collagen

  • poor circulation (a common issue in the legs)

  • poor lymphatic drainage

  • thinning epidermis (outer layer of skin)

Step exercises, walking, squats, losing weight, drinking more water to reduce the toxins in our body can all aid in reducing it, self-tanners can also reduce the ‘look’ as the paler the skin, the more visible it is.

Cellulite before and after treating the area

Cellulite before and after treating the area

What foods cause cellulite on legs?

Processed fatty foods like cheese and sausages are a big cellulite-busting no-no. But good fats, like those found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, can actually help to smooth things out. The fatty acids it contains help your body to metabolise fat, including that of cellulite

Why is my cellulite so bad?

Cellulite is caused by toxins in your body. ... Rather, cellulite occurs when underlying fat deposits begin to push through layers of collagen fibers, or connective tissue, under the skin (often in the buttocks and thigh areas, but also on arms, stomachs, and other common trouble spots, as well).

Is coffee bad for cellulite?

It's not caffeine alone that can cause cellulite, but high caffeine consumption along with refined sugar, alcohol and processed foods may lead to cellulite. To minimise the risk of cellulite, aim to limit your intake of all these, drink organic coffee as your source of caffeine and eat natural, organic food.

Why do females get cellulite?

It's a condition that affects 90 percent of women and 10 percent of men, mostly in industrial nations. As women start approaching menopause, estrogen starts decreasing. From 25 to 35 is when you start seeing the appearance of cellulite. Estrogen has an impact on the blood vessels.

Do you lose cellulite when you lose weight?

Cellulite can develop or become more noticeable after gaining weight. ... Losing weight and strengthening the muscles in the legs, buttocks and abdomen may make cellulite less noticeable in those areas, but it won't go away altogether. That is because once a fat cell develops, it is yours for life.

Now I think we can safely say that to banish cellulite is impossible but we can reduce it and it’s appearance by making some lifestyle changes.

Does dry brushing help reduce cellulite?

People swear by dry brushing for cellulite. Dry brushing helps promote circulation and lymphatic drainage, which can help reduce inflammation and strengthen your connective tissue—and in turn, minimize the appearance of cellulite.

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Have you considered taking a daily supplement?

One that has a wealth of herbal components for firm and smooth skin?

Take a look at our Nutricode Anti-cellulite capsules and their natural ingredients:

  • turmeric extract – supports body cleansing and maintains proper rates of fat metabolism, reducing signs of cellulite and hunger throughout the day

  • gotu kola extract – helps to maintain your skin’s natural firmness and elasticity, as well as proper structure in fat tissue

  • indian coleus extract – contains forskolin, which enhances the processes behind fat metabolism, working effectively to help you maintain a normal body weight and visibly reducing the effects of so-called “orange-peel skin”

  • sweet clover and horse chestnut extract maintains optimal blood supply, which is one of the key treatment methods for combating cellulite

Anti-cellulite 30 day system - Carefully selected plant extracts facilitate the detoxification of the body and maintain correct fat metabolism, contributing to the reduction of cellulite.

Anti-cellulite 30 day system - Carefully selected plant extracts facilitate the detoxification of the body and maintain correct fat metabolism, contributing to the reduction of cellulite.

What’s inside?

anti cellulte capsule ingredients.JPG

* Carefully selected ingredients of the highest quality ensure multilevel action that supports the reduction of cellulite and improves health

* A unique combination of natural plant extracts offers perfect support for cleansing your body of toxins, maintaining a healthy body weight and proper rate of fat metabolism, and helping to minimize so-called “orange-peel skin”

* This special formula is composed to ensure that its ingredients complement each other, enhancing their performance and producing outstanding results

* A modern dietary supplement that will help restore your skin’s natural firmness and elasticity

How about a firming cream that penetrates the skin, targeting the area needed but also works on reducing stretchmarks in other areas?

This 300 ml Anti cellulite Body Balm when used regularly, it gradually reduces the effect of the so-called “orange peel syndrome” visibly firming thighs, hips, buttocks and stomach area. It shapes your body, strengthens tissues, and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, restoring proper skin density and elasticity, preventing stretch marks.

B Glucan Anti cellulite body balm

B Glucan Anti cellulite body balm

This works on its own and results are visible within 2 weeks or double it up with the daily supplement and watch a new shape take place!

anti cellulite tablets and balm.jpg

B Glucan Anti cellulite Body Balm 200ml £15.00 You can order direct through my shop HERE

You can order yours in two ways

1) Direct through my store HERE and they will be shipped straight out and arrive within 2 working days

2) Opening a wholesale shopping account, which is instant and FREE and you can then purchase at my own cost as/when you like, you can do that HERE

*please do not venture off signup site or you will go into a black hole with no support
Make sure my ID number is your referrer 801002502


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How to get rid of cellulite and reduce cellulite appearance. Click through for some answers and tips to common questions about how to reduce cellulite.  #anticellulite #cellulitereduction #cellulite #howtogetridofcellulite

How to get rid of cellulite and reduce cellulite appearance. Click through for some answers and tips to common questions about how to reduce cellulite.

#anticellulite #cellulitereduction #cellulite #howtogetridofcellulite


Do you have questions? Drop me a message and I will do all I can to help you

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10 Benefits of Detoxing your Body

You may have heard of “detoxing your body.” But have you tried it for yourself?

If you’ve been considering a detox but aren’t sure, learning about the many benefits of detoxing will help you make up your mind.

Detox diets get rid of toxins in the body and develop the habits that will keep you on track for a healthier life.

As you may know, the body has its own natural detox methods. The liver, sweat, and urine are all ways your body rids itself of toxins.

However, sometimes these vital organs work too hard and need a break. A detox diet is a great way to take the pressure off your organs, so you can keep them strong for the future.

There are many different types of detox diets, and each one will give you slightly different results. But no matter which you choose, the benefits of detoxing can’t be denied. Let’s take a look at 10 ways a detox diet can benefit you.


1. Weight Loss and Management

There are many reasons to do a detox besides losing weight. But if weight loss is one of your goals, a detox diet can be a great way to jumpstart your progress.

Detoxing can also help with long-term weight management. If you’re at an ideal weight but want to make sure you stay there, try a detox to keep your body on track.

One of the best things about a detox is that it doesn’t just help right now — it sets you up to have healthy habits in the future. So even after you’re done with the detox, you’ll have the habits you need to keep on track for future weight loss or weight maintenance.

2. More Energy

An energy boost is one of the first benefits of detoxing you’ll notice.

Who doesn’t want more energy to get them through the day? Between work, family, hobbies, exercise, and a social life, the modern world demands a lot from us.

Detoxing takes away things like sugar and caffeine that cause energy crashes, leaving you with more stable energy throughout the day.

3. Aids Internal Organs

As mentioned above, detoxing helps your body out with toxin removal. It purifies toxins that your organs may not be able to keep up with, and gives those organs that are responsible for waste removal a much-needed rest.

Even if your liver, kidneys, and other organs are in healthy working order, your body may still be storing more toxins than you realize. A detox is a great way to get rid of those toxins and help your internal organs to their job more effectively.

4. Better Immune System

Since detoxing takes some of the workload off your organs, they can then do a better job of protecting your body from illness. You’ll absorb much-needed nutrients faster, like Vitamin C, which is known to be great for the immune system.

If you’re on a detox that involves taking certain herbs, you might also experience a boost to the lymphatic system. This system is partially responsible for keeping you healthy and toxin-free, so you’ll want it working well.

5. Nicer Breath

The removal of toxins from your body has some pleasant side effects besides improving your health.

One of the benefits of detoxing is better breath. Your digestive system will be able to function better, removing some of the causes of bad breath.

However, keep in mind that during the detox your breath may actually get worse, because your body is adjusting to the changes and releasing the toxins. After it’s done, you’ll see the benefits.



6. Clearer Skin

You can use all the most elaborate skincare regimes, but if your diet isn’t healthy, you’ll still experience skin problems. A detox is one of the surefire ways to clear up your skin.

Some detoxes even include a sauna element, so you’ll be able to literally sweat out some of the toxins that clog your pores. But even if you only use diet, you’ll still see results.

As with your breath, sometimes the issue will get worse during the detox itself, and clear up after the detox is over. So be prepared for a new breakout or skin issue while your body is in the detoxification process.

7. Improved Thinking

For clearer thoughts and a better memory, detoxing is the way to go.

The benefits of detoxing aren’t just physical. In fact, many detoxes include ways to care for your mind, as well as your body. You might use meditation as part of your detox plan, for example.

The sugar crashes and other negative effects of an unhealthy diet can also affect your mind. Once you’ve experienced this detox benefit, you’ll never want to go back.

8. Shinier Hair

Shiny, healthy hair is yet another benefit of detoxing. Your follicles need the right nutrients to grow healthy hair. A buildup of toxins prevents those nutrients from getting where they need to be and often results in dry, brittle, broken tresses.

You might also see faster growth, making this a great idea for anyone planning to grow out their hair.

9. Slowed Signs of Ageing

Growing older is a beautiful thing, but we don’t always want the outward signs of aging that come with it.

Detoxing helps you slow down the visible signs of aging by reducing toxins that contribute to the skin damage we usually associate with growing older.

10. Enjoy Your Food

One of the myths of detoxing is that you won’t enjoy anything you eat during the process.

The reality is that a detox diet can actually help you enjoy your food more. This doesn’t mean you won’t experience cravings for sugar and the other things you cut out of your diet — at least at first.

However, detoxing increases your connection with, and awareness of, the things you’re putting in your body. You’ll be eating healthy, well-rounded meals mindfully, and you can still use some of the foods you love while incorporating new things that you may learn you love too.


Ready to Experience the Benefits of Detoxing?

There are many benefits of detoxing — both for your mental and physical health.

Best of all, a detox jumpstarts you on the path to a healthy lifestyle that you’ll be able to maintain for years to come.

Are you ready to detox?

You can purchase your own 30-day Nutricode ‘Detox in a Box’ via FM World UK (rrp £75) or you have the option to sign up as a FREE PREFERRED CUSTOMER where you can then purchase the product for only £40 in your first 30-days (£52 thereafter).

You can view the full product range that you can purchase at customer or wholesale prices HERE